Can Art Save Us?
In the face of political uncertainty, domestic terrorism, and a polarized culture, it’s often unclear where to turn to for answers. But according to Will Calhoun, Vernon Reid, and Melvin Gibbs, art provides potential answers for the future. In March, the award-winning musicians were featured at Ethnographic Explorations in the Global South, a panel discussion hosted by the Watson Institute, and the next day performed in Providence as the Zig Zag Power Trio. The three sat down with political scientist Richard Snyder to talk about art, youth, politics, and so much more.
You can read a transcript of this episode here: [https://watson.brown.edu/files/watson/imce/news/podcast/trending-globally/transcripts/E47_Will%20Calhoun_LivingColourFinalForReal_mixdown.pdf]